Sunday, December 04, 2005

Alien Loves Predator

I was pointed to this series of, um, comics, by Gothamist, and I can't stop reading them! Very clever use of dolls (excuse me, action figures), sets and Photoshop - I love seeing alien and predator on the subway. Besides as the subtitle (In New York, no one can hear you scream) tells you, it's all about the two protagonists' life in New York: waiting for subway trains, living in a small apartment (Alien to his mom: "Ma, you're like 20 feet tall. It's not my fault you didn't fit through the door" Mom: "Are you saying I need to lose weight?"), dating and lusting, etc.

And, it's way more interesting than the one Aliens vs. Predator novel I read (I was desperate for English-language reading material in a foreign country)!

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